Thursday, February 14, 2013

my superpower

If I could choose a single superpower to attain, I would choose to freeze time. My reasoning for this is simple; I will have the ability to accomplish activities at my own pace, therefore dismissing the constant pressure time has over me. I could nap while time is frozen, and not lose daylight. I could wake up late for school and still manage to look half decent. I could occupy this time for writing my thoughts as they come, for I often forget them by the time I reach a pen. I could get caught up on overdue work, as well as missing assignments. All of these things would help me become more prepared.  This superpower could also be used for other things besides myself. It could freeze the moment my cat runs in front of a moving vehicle, Or could save someone from being attacked, even give someone on deaths door more time for their goodbyes. This freeze in time will not freeze everyone around me. It will give people more time to relax, and enjoy their time before life starts back up again.
This is something that often bothers me- the lack of time I have for the things I enjoy doing. I'm often rushed or interrupted by doctor appointments, or attending school.

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