Monday, March 11, 2013

the creative hour

Monday-the beginning of your week starts with me, that guy everyone hates to be near. They dread the day that I show up, I make you drink every last drop from your coffee cup. I make you rise early, angry and asleep, your week will be long and it all starts with me. I'm only desirable when it comes to long weekends, I laugh at your expense. I’m the never ending bully in your life.

Tuesday- I’m not as bad as the guy you met before; I’ll still make your day hell. The early shining sun is still hardly contrasting the colors around you. My goal is to make it hard to wake up. Today’s the day you’ll need coffee, and I’ll be the one to break the pot. Yeah, I’m that guy. The trouble maker, not the kind girls like though. No, I’m the one they’re all afraid of.

Wednesday- im in the middle of the popularity scale. im not the favorite person, but no one can complain. 

Thursday- im fridays bestfriend, but other dont like me.

Friday-   I’m your movie buddy when everyone else has you too tired to party. I’m the person you're the most excited to see. I’m the path to relaxation and happiness. I’m your soul mate.

Saturday- I get you into the clubs; I’m your excuse for an all night adventure. I’m the one you’ll regret tomorrow morning, Ill create all the memories. I’m the guy with all the connections.

Sunday- I am celebrated by half the population. I’m your last escape to relaxation before the path to school and work begins again. I am the reason to sit on the couch all the day, the time to clean your house. The one to let you walk around in sweats, I’ll give you a reason for family dinners. When you're with me you don’t try to look nice, I’m the excuse for a lazy home day.